Dear Friends,
As you may have known, it is my last working day with DLA Piper and I am starting with a new firm, still as legal translator, my beloved profession, from next Monday on.
I cannot begin to thank adequately those who helped me in my production of varied translation, and my life in the firm, where the friendly atmosphere and ready to help friends helped me quickly adapted to the job.
Thank you Roy for your appreciation and offering me this opportunity to work with an International leading law firm. My work here, as I always say, is much more than work. It is my interest, enjoyment, even entrainment, and an integral part of my life. Thank you for your tolerance when I, a little bit nervous and over excited, made some very silly mistakes in the ship building contract, not long before my joining the firm. Thank you, truly.
I am especially indebted to Michael, Elim, Ian, Joyce, Grace, Matthieu, Bertrand, Jessica, Ming, Chelsea, Kevin, Stephanie, and Luanne who were uniformly generous and kindly and showed the most heroic reserves of patience in answering one simple, endlessly repeated question: "I'm sorry, but can you tell me what that jargon may mean in this context?" And I am thankful to Sarah, Vivien, and Chen Tao. You guys, about my age, active and optimistic, unselfishly contributed to the vitality of the place where I work!
My special thanks go to Henry, my alumni, whose correction always hit the point and greatly enlightened me in some specific terms that I had been somewhat lost for a long while.
I am deeply and variously indebted to Frances, who introduced me to the new firm, welcomed me warmly and made my debut with the firm easy and smooth, and Wella and Lisa, who lend me a hand in the various accounting and financial matters, which, I admit, are totally incomprehensible to me, an ignorant of numbers.
Cassie, Catherine, Tian Tian, Irene, Carols, Caddie, and Jun Xia, thank you all for sharing your contagious laughter that animated the firm every day. For Vivian for particular, millions of thanks for your hard, diligent, efficient, and patient work, without which, my work would have been impossible and reduced to zero, for accounting purposes.
Above all, and as always, my profoundest thanks to all the friends here, new and old. Thank you for the days when I worked with you.
You may find me at my personal email and also at my mobile, which is to survive any change in my life, subject to force majeure events, including and only limited to the collapse of China Mobile.
Keep in touch. I will not be far away, just one metro stop. Do drop me a call, at your convenience, when you pay a visit the Bund Centre. I will miss you, the days with DLA Piper and the lunches at the 7th floor dining hall. It's time to say goodbye, but let the friendship continue... ;)
My best wishes to you and your beloved & Happy New Year!