
迎奥运 盼世博 中国城市路名和谐翻译研讨会

昨天有一条被各大媒体广泛转载的新闻,标题是:公共厕所不得再叫WC 北京公共场所年内换正宗洋名



   其中,18个区县公厕英文标识的整治规范工作已经启动。目前,西城区的104座公厕英文标识规范工作已经完成,其他17个区县的公厕英文标识改造正处于 施工阶段。去年共出台了6个公共场所双语标识英文译法的地方标准。原本市民熟悉的"WC"将全部换成"Toilet"。英语中WC是":Water- Closet"(冲水厕所)的缩写。在很多西方国家根本不用WC表示厕所了。因为在英语里,WC的内涵基本可以理解为咱们中国话所说的茅坑儿,是比较粗糙 的大俗话。

  今年年底前,全市道路标牌将由清一色的汉语拼音翻译,更改为拼音与英文单词相结合的规范译法。在北京的大街上,"?菖?菖 街"直接以汉语拼音"JIE"来表示,外国人看不懂,中国人看着晕,规范英文名后将变成"Ave,St,Rd"等。截至去年底,城八区市政道路交通标志, 共6300多块英文标识的规范已全部完成。目前,六环路的道路标识正在改造。



今天路透社好事的老外写了稿子,被好事的编辑归入Oddly Enough栏目(这个栏目名称是取"(天下之大)无奇不有",还是取"(岂有此理)竟有此事",我还在斟酌中。似乎两类稿子他们都收,看来和我一样吃饱了撑的全世界都有!)


Hello toilet, goodbye WC for Beijing Games
Wed Jun 6, 2007 9:55 AM ET

BEIJING (Reuters) - Beijing's battle to standardize and correct English-language signs ahead of the 2008 Olympics has claimed another head -- "W.C.".

By the end of the year, all public conveniences in the city will be called "toilets" instead of the venerable, Victorian-era sounding abbreviation for "water closet", state media reported on Wednesday.

"In many Western countries they don't use the term W.C. at all," the Beijing Morning Post said.

"Because in English, it's equivalent to what we would call in China an outhouse, and is a rather crude slang term," it added, without explaining how it had got this impression.

Also on the list are road signs. Use of the romanized form of Chinese, known as "pinyin", will be replaced by the actual English word, except for proper names, the newspaper added. Out will go Dong Changan Jie and in will come East Changan Avenue.

But a rather more vexing question has been what to do about menus to help the hundreds of thousands of tourists, athletes and reporters expected to flood the city, many of whom will not speak a word of Chinese, let alone understand Chinese characters.

An initial list had been formulated and sent to experts for approval, the Beijing News said.

All restaurants and hotels rated three star and above will have to use the standard names once they come out, it added.

Linguists are struggling about the best way to translate popular dishes like "ants climbing the tree" -- spicy fried vermicelli with finely chopped pork -- into English accurately yet preserving the original meaning, officials have said.

They are hoping to avoid confusing visitors with the mish-mash of translations now on offer. One well-known Beijing restaurant chain has dishes called "It is small to fry the chicken miscellaneous" and "mixed elbow with garlic mud".

注意,上海的"专家"提议体现"中国特色",把"××路"一概翻译作"×× Lu"。北京的"专家"这次提议体现国际接轨,要一概翻译成"××Road"。什么时候让两地专家聚在一起搞个"迎奥运 盼世博 中国城市路名和谐翻译研讨会"一定很有意思。一嘴毛呀一嘴毛, 哦耶!

