
From Time to Time

1. In addition, the Compliance Officer will carry out spot checks of particular business and administration areas from time to time, as appropriate.

2. All Employees MUST NOT release information concerning AA, an AA group entity or the Client or investors in the Funds to a third party without the relevant parties' written consent except in accordance with the relevant trade, credit and information arrangements or where they are required to do so by law and/or regulations.

这两句的翻译不难的,平时工作中经手的文件中划线部分都有几乎"固定"的翻译套路,比如"不时地"和"除根据……[之外]",我一直觉得这样的译法是"贴 合"英语表达的,但不符合中文习惯,至少读起来很不舒服,在意思上也不清楚,比如什么叫"不时地做某事"?"不时地做某事"与"do something from time to time"表达的是同一个意思?


1. 此外,监察主任还将择时对具体业务和管理情况做针对性检查。

2. 未经相关方书面同意,任何雇员均不得向第三方透露与**有关的任何信息,但相关贸易、信贷和信息安排另有要求的或者法律和/或法规另有规定的除外。

其一,from time to time作"不时地"
译 并不确切,英文原文的精神实质是"(可以)在任何时间并且不止一次地"。as appropriate本就有赘语之嫌。综合,取"择时"这个词,看似"抽象",实际上是真正反应了原文的含义。"择时"当然是择"合适"(as appropriate)的时,也没有次数和具体时间范围的限制。

其二,不是看到in accordance with就一定要用"根据"的,这里用"另有要求"和后文的"另有规定"相得益彰,可读性比"根据相关贸易、信贷、信息安排"强,何况"根据……"的结构在这里也难处理――如果希望译文读起来通顺的话。

