
What's Gone Wrong?




We were pleased to receive the draft of the Proposal on Joint Venture Investment prepared by Suzhou Creek. We agree with a significant number of the ideas proposed in this Agreement by Suzhou Creek, but we would like to add additional detail to the Agreement in order to achieve a mutual agreement on as many of the fundamental issues of the joint venture as possible before the actual formation of the entity. 我们很高兴收到由贵司准备的合营投资方案草稿。对于其中提出的大多数设计,我们都能同意,我们谨此希望在此对该方案予以补充和细化,以期双方在合营实体设立之前能尽早就合营的大多数根本性问题达成一致。

1. Chapter 1: Investors/Parties to the Joint Venture – Yangtz River will probably use one of its wholly-owned subsidiaries as the investor in the Joint Venture. We are working with our tax experts and attorneys to identify the appropriate subsidiary which will be the actual investor. 第一条: 投资者/合营双方- 长江可能会通过一家全资子公司对合营公司投资。 我们将会同我们的税务专家和律师确定将作为投资主体进行投资的子公司。

2. Chapter 2: Investment/Joint Venture Form 第二章: 投资/合营形式

A. Article 2– We are in general agreement with Suzhou Creek’s proposal, though we would like to discuss this with our Chinese attorneys. 第二条-我们原则上同意苏州河的方案,但我们尚需同我们的中国法律顾问进一步讨论。

B. Article 3 – The information in Article 3 was left blank. We need to discuss the appropriate information to be inserted into Article 3. 第三条- 第三条中的信息应暂时留白。我们需要对插入第三条的具体信息予以讨论。

3. Chapter 3 – Form, Amount and Percentage of Capital Contribution by Investors 第三章-投资者的出资形式、出资金额和出资比例

A. Article 4 – We agree that the Joint Venture should be formed with a combination of the Investors’ own capital and bank loans. We would like to discuss with Suzhou Creek the amount of the capital to be invested and the amounts of the loans. We would also like to discuss Suzhou Creek’s relationships with its banks to understand how quickly the bank loans can be arranged. 第四条- 我们同意合营公司应依靠投资者出资和银行贷款设立。我们希望同苏州河讨论所需的出资金额以及贷款金额。我们希望同苏州河讨论苏州河与银行的关系,以了解获得银行贷款所需的时间。

B. Article 5 – We agree with Suzhou Creek’s proposal in Article 5, though, of course, we need to establish the amounts of the capital contributions. 第五条-我们同意苏州河在第五条中的方案,但是我们需要敲定出资金额。

4. Chapter 4 – Organization Structure of Joint Venture Company 第四章-合营公司的组织结构

A. Article 6 – We are concerned that the proposal for a shareholders’ meeting may conflict with current PRC law for a joint venture with foreign investment, which provides that no shareholders’ meeting is necessary and the highest authority is the directors’ meeting. We will need to discuss this item further with our Chinese attorneys. We do agree with the concept that important matters should require the unanimous approval of both Investors. 第六条-我们担心设立股东大会可能会同中国的中外合资经营法律相冲突,该法律规定无需设立股东会且合营公司的最高权力机构是董事会。我们需要就此同我们的中国法律顾问进一步讨论。我们同意重要事项需获得投资者一致同意这一理念。

B. Article 7 – As noted above, we are not certain about the proposal that the Board of Directors would be appointed by the shareholders’ meeting. We agree on the structure of the Board of Directors, as proposed by Suzhou Creek; however, we believe that certain important matters will require the approval of all directors, and not merely a majority of directors. We will propose a list of the matters which would require unanimous approval. 第七条- 如上文所述,我们不确定董事会将由股东会任命这一方案。我们同意苏州河提出的董事会结构,但是我们认为特定重大事项需要获得全体董事一致同意,而并非由多数董事同意即可。我们将列出需全体董事一致同意的重大事项的清单。

C. Article 8 – Suzhou Creek has proposed a senior management team consisting of one general manager and three deputy managers. We believe that one general manager (nominated by Suzhou Creek) and one deputy manager (nominated by Applied) should be adequate for the management of the Joint Venture company. 第八条- 苏州河提出的管理层方案包括总经理一名、副总经理三名。 我们认为总经理一名(由苏州河提名),副总经理一名(由长江提名)的架构足以适用于合营公司的管理。

D. Article 9 – We would like to discuss this proposal further with our Chinese attorneys. 第九条-我们需要就此同中国法律顾问进一步讨论。

5. Chapter 5 – Purpose and Scope of Business 第五章-宗旨和营业范围

A. Article 10 – We agree with Suzhou Creek’s proposal in general, but we believe we need to add further detail based on our discussions in China. 第十条-我们原则上同意苏州河的方案,但是我们需要在中国的讨论的基础上进一步细化。

B. Article 11 - We agree with Suzhou Creek’s proposal in general, but we believe we need to add further detail based on our discussions in China. 第十一条-我们原则上同意苏州河的方案,但是我们需要在中国的讨论的基础上进一步细化。

6. Chapter 6 – Labor Management 第六章-劳动管理

A. Article 12 –We would like to discuss the staffing of the Joint Venture company in greater detail with Suzhou Creek, as we have many questions. In particular, we would like to understand whether it would be desirable for the Joint Venture company to hire many employees, or should the Joint Venture company have only a very few employees and contract with Suzhou Creek to provide necessary services, such as construction of the project, and operation and maintenance of the project following construction. 第十二条-我们需要同苏州河就合营公司的人员配备详细讨论,对此我们有许多疑问。具体而言,我们希望确认下列哪种方案更适合合营公司:(1)合营公司自行雇用人数众多的员工,或(2)合营公司雇用较少雇员,并同苏州河签订合同将必要的服务(例如项目工程建设以及项目建成后的运营维护)外包给苏州河。

B. Article 13 – We have the same questions noted above for Article 12. We do agree that the rules for the remuneration, incentive, insurance and benefit treatment of the employees of the Joint Venture Company should be drafted by the management of the company and be approved by the Board. As noted above, we have concerns about the shareholders’ meeting to approve the compensation of the directors. 第十三条-我们的问题与对第十二条的问题类似。我们同意合营公司雇员的薪酬、奖金、保险和福利待遇等规定应由公司管理层起草并由董事会批准。如上文所述,我们对于董事的薪酬由股东会批准仍有疑问。

