During the process of translation, please bear in mind that the Chinese party is four PRC individuals who do not have experience in such complex documents before. We were blamed by them last week for turning out something that they could not understand – that's why the [agreement] is much simplified this time. As such, to the extent possible, please make the Chinese translation as reader-friendly as possible.
无论对方是不是individuals who do not have experience in such complex documents before, “make the Chinese translation as reader-friendly as possible”的原则应当是一切实用文体翻译的基本原则,努力实现这个目标更应当译员的起码意识和基本素养,甚至是——如果我面试录用译员——译员资格及格线。
在律所里,所谓reader-friendly的工作是谁的责任?首当其冲是译员责任,一旦文本初稿完成,要求律师在复核时在这方面返工是不现实,也是不 负责任的。客户看不懂法律文件的唯一原因只能是不懂法律相关概念,而绝不能是语言文字本身混乱,语法、搭配错误连篇,母语译者的译文与母语表达全然相悖。
抱有“法律文本就应当看不懂”观念,对“被”字满天飞熟视无睹,“subjec to”一概用“受制于”搞定,甚至持有“最后稿子是律师看,责任由他们负,翻译只管翻出来就结束”之类观点的,恐怕在我这里很难过这条“及格线”。
客户投诉证明我对reader-friendly的要求绝不是mental masturbation。