网上有消息传韩国救援队带着狗去,狗丢了,在东京找狗,还说是NHK报道的。我找不到消息来源。NHK关于韩国救援队(的确带狗)的报道见:South Korean rescue team arrives at Haneda
It is the first foreign assistance since the strongest ever earthquake hit Japan's northeast.
A team of 5 South Koreans and 2 rescue dogs belonging to Korea's National Emergency Management Agency arrived at Haneda Airport on a civilian flight shortly before 3PM on Saturday.
State Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Chiaki Takahashi, received the team at the arrival lobby, and shook hands with the members.
Takahashi said he is grateful to President Lee Myung Bak, and asked members to take care, as aftershocks are continuing in the affected areas.
The leader of the rescue dog team said they are a small but experienced unit, having worked in Indonesia and Haiti after they were hit by major earthquakes.
He said the team will do its best.
More units may be dispatched from South Korea, depending on the situation.
Saturday, March 12, 2011 17:34 +0900 (JST)
报道称,韩国汝矣岛顺富教会牧师赵龙基(音译)3月12日在接受当地一家媒体采访时表示:"日本始终都是一个地震多发的国家,在这次地震中,很多人失去了 生命,受到了灾害。对此,我表示深深的遗憾。"赵龙基还说:"从日本国民的信仰来看,日本人的思想离上帝太遥远了。他们信仰'偶像崇拜'、'无神论'和 '物质主义',所以我认为这次大地震是上帝对他们发出的警告。"
In an interview the newspaper, Cho responded to a request for comments on Japan's difficulties following its largest earthquake in recorded history by saying, "Japan sees a lot of earthquakes, and I think it is regrettable that there has been such an enormous loss of property and life due to the earthquake." He went on to say, "Because the Japanese people shun God in terms of their faith and follow idol worship, atheism, and materialism, it makes me wonder if this was not God's warning to them."
"我认为是"与"it makes me wonder it this was not"之间差别很大。这牧师的言论欠骂,但作为记者(还是经常揭批西方媒体双重标准、虚假报道的党报人民日报旗下的环球报社的记者)用双引号引述他人发言,可以如此偷梁换柱么?
The Sunday edition of the Internet newspaper News Mission reported Yoido Full Gospel Church senior pastor David Yonggi Cho as saying, "The earthquake makes me wonder if this was not God's warning."
这两篇报道,一篇假新闻嫌疑很大,另一篇则偷换最关键部分。这两篇报道成了网络上不少中国网友积极乐道的话题,有些兴奋得不能自已。不知道从什么时候开 始,不分青红皂白咒骂韩国和韩国人成了一件政治正确的事。经常出现在"韩国新闻"里的"朴芬青"教授让人终于明白,原来很多"韩国新闻"都是"made in China"。